AML54/56 Series Rocker Switch Operators
The AML series from Honeywell features a wide selection of pushbutton, rocker and toggle switches. They offer not only a wide selection of options such as solid state, electronic and power duty control but also each version offers a number of choices for mounting style, illumination, contact configurations and more. Illuminated versions have easy access to the lamp from the front of the panel for re-lamping, without the need for tools. The AML54/56 series rocker operators have been designed for simple instilllation and they simply snap onto the recess in the switch operating sockets. Three Color types are available. Transmitted Color — Color is displayed whether lamp is On or Off. Choice of 1- piece rockers (types 10 or 20) or rockers with clear cap and Colored translucent insert (types 11 or 12). Dead front hidden Color/hidden legend — Rocker appears black with lamp Off. Legend and Color appear when illuminated (types 30 or 40). Projected Color — Translucent white rocker with transparent Colored insert (types 50 or 60). White rocker appears Colored when illuminated.