Amplifier Type | Architecture | Bandwidth, Gain | Battery Type | Brand/Series | Current, Input Bias | Current, Input Offset | Current, Output | Current, Output, Minimum | Current, Supply | Digital Interface Type | Dimensions | Full Scale Error | Gain Bandwidth | Height | Input Signal Type | Input Type | Interface | Length | Memory Type | Mounting Type | Noise, Density | Nonlinearity | Number of ADCs | Number of Cells | Number of Channels per Chip | Number of Circuits | Number of DAC Channels | Number of Pins | Number of Positions | Number of Potentiometers | Output Polarity | Output Type | Package Type | Primary Type | Resistance | Resistance, Drain to Source On | Resolution | Sample Rate | Sampling Rate | Slew Rate | Supply Voltage | Taper Type | Temperature, Operating | Temperature, Operating, Maximum | Temperature, Operating, Minimum | Temperature, Operating, Range | Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient | Time, Setting | Type |
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