PicoScope 9201 and 9211 Digital Signal Analyzer / Sampling Oscilloscope
The PicoScope 9200 Series are 12 GHz USB-Connected Sampling Oscilloscope aimed at a wide range of high-speed digital and telecom applications such as serial bus design and debug, jitter analysis, communications analysis, and characterization and compliance test of high-speed cables and connectors. Available in with either USB (PicoScope 9201) or LAN (PicoScope 9211), the 9200 Series are cost-effective products designed to meet the needs of the average customer better than traditional, costly high-speed digital signal analyzers.
Hardware Features
12 GHz Bandwidth on Two Channels
Dual Time Base from 10 ps/div
Up to 10 GHz Trigger Bandwidth
5 TS/s Equivalent Time Sample Rate
High Resolution Cursor and Automatic Waveform Measurement with Statistics
Automated Mask Test
Direct and HF External Trigger Input
Built-In Clock Recovery
Software Features
Intuitive Windows Graphical User Interface
Time and Voltage Histograms
Automatic Pass/Fail Limit Testing
Electronic Mask Drawing and Display
Eye-Diagram Measurements for NRZ and RZ Signals
Waveform Processing Including FFT
Timing Analysis