The EC Series RFI power line filters provide the highest attenuation of any standard filter available in a package size limited by the dimensions of the integral IEC connector. These filters combine high common-mode inductance with high differential-mode capacitance and minimal parasitic elements, for effective attenuation of line-to-ground and line-to-line noise across the frequency range. Performance and applications are similar to those of the ED Series, but with higher differential-mode performance in most applications, due to an additional capacitor on the load side. Maximum Leakage Current (Line-to-Ground): 0.22 mA @ 120 VAC, 60 Hz; 0.38 mA @ 250 VAC, 50 Hz. Hipot Rating (1 minute): Line-to-Ground — 1500 VAC; Line-to-Line — 1450 VDC. Operating Frequency: 50/60 Hz. Maximum Rated Voltage: 250 VAC.