Series 7990 - FLEX Totalizer Accessory
Low-cost, combined unit, the Series 7990, Model 200 is programmable as tachometer, totalizer, running hourmeter or precise elapsed time indicator. 8-digit LCD display; five digits in tachometer mode, 0.35" high characters. Rugged die-cast metal housing, sealed, meets NEMA 4 standards. Power: Three volt Lithium battery. Fits 2.6" × 1.3" panel cutout, 1" depth. Series 7990 is available without the tachometer mode. Accessories include three snap-on modules, a panel adapter and panel adapter with key-lock reset. Panel adapters retrofit popular electro-mechanical general purpose totalizers. The Screw Terminal Module provides for the convenience of screw terminal connection. The High Voltage AC/DC Input Module features the above, plus provides for input of AC or DC signal of 25 to 270 volts. The TRIAC Input Module features the above, plus provides for AC-type, solid-state input devices such as TRIAC switching devices.